Physical Therapy Add-On

Extend your Practice

FAQs for Physical Therapists

What is IM=X® (pronounced IMX)?

IM=X® stands for Integrated Movement Xercize. It’s an elite spinal fitness program that focuses on trunk muscle toning and spinal lengthening while progressively building total body strength, endurance and active range of motion. IM=X® employs specific stabilization techniques to alter muscle recruitment patterns and improve posture. IM=X Pilates also has complementary fitness programs – Yoga, Ballet Bar, Jog Board, Tower, Floor Motion, and Cycle/Tower – which you can add for your returning cash-based fitness clients.

How does IM=X® pilates help my patients?

Patients are exposed to IM=X® therapeutic protocols while under care. It is common that these same patients – once discharged from care – will want to continue their progress. Your existing patient base can become your future fitness clientele. There are numerous IM=X® workouts to keep them engaged over time and our unique pilates fitness program adds resistance and cardiovascular training for improved results. IM=X® Pilates can be targeted to specific populations (i.e. athletes, seniors, back pain, pregnancy); or tailored for a specific focus (i.e. Lower Body Workout, Interval Training Workout, Stretch Workout, Upper Body Workout).

How does IM=X® help me increase my business?

IM=X® provides marketing and business programs plus educational courses for your team that are acknowledged as Therapeutic Exercise. Exercise physiologist, Alexander Technique teacher and former dancer - Elyse McNergney - eliminated dangerous exercises and “re-choreographed” protocols to be effective and safe for most back patients. Our techniques and equipment do not place pressure on the cervical spine as often occurs with traditional pilates.

Why should I choose IM=X®?

Benefit from a comprehensive and proven system vs. “going it alone” which would most likely  be more costly and definitely more time consuming. We provide staff certifications, patented equipment, marketing programs and business training. When you franchise with IM=X®, you receive the support needed to maximize your earning potential.

Do I have enough space at my office or do I need a new location?

We can help you analyze your existing space and business goals to determine the best solution for you: either an add-on Back Studio or a a new location. If you require a new location, our experienced Real Estate team will work with you to find the optimal location. They will guide you through lease considerations: thorough demographics, traffic, terms, build-out and cost-saving techniques.

Grow Your Business

Low start-up costs allow you to expand your treatment options to include therapeutic pilates and fitness. Increase client retention and compliance by utilizing PTA’s and fitness trainers to deliver the IM=X® Therapeutic Exercise formula.

keep your patients strong

We Drive Traffic to You

Our Master Trainers certify as many staff as needed to develop, grow and sustain your business. Our proven marketing and sales program will help you build a cash-based membership and drive new patients in the door for treatment.

develop, grow and sustain

Powerful Programs

The IM=X® fundamentals are based on research and IM=X® Pilates terminology is therapy-based. Instead of teaching “spine imprint,” we teach active decompression. Our focus is on developing muscle synergies through specific stabilization techniques and then applying those techniques throughout our varied exercise routines.

exercise as medicine

Our Approach

Sessions may combine stabilization techniques, muscle recruitment training, active range of motion stretches, and resistance exercises on our patented reformer. These services can be customized for a wide range of ages and fitness levels. All of these benefits allow your patients to become long-term members of your practice.

your business solution

Add Revenue to your Practice

With IM=X® Pilates Therapeutic Exercise

IM=X® Pilates Studio owners receive free and unlimited access to continuing education

Changing Lives

We are thrilled to be re-signed for our next 10 year term…Out of all of my different careers this is by far the best thing I have ever done and I truly love what I do! The IM=X® Pilates franchise allowed my husband to quit his job, and we have lived solely off our IM=X studio’s income for the past 10 years with a great lifestyle and more freedom.” 

Rhonda Webber, Owner, IM=X® Lake Oswego OR 
Rhonda Webber, Owner, IM=X® Lake Oswego OR

Elyse – Thank you for reaching out. My story is that I had an accident 4 years ago and 3 surgeries on my ankle. Until I started your IM=X® reformer classes, I had really struggled to regain strength and get back to a regular exercise routine. But I don’t need to tell you how great your program is!


IM=X® is the perfect adjunct to chiropractic care…a comprehensive, safe and superior approach to back exercise rehabilitation.

- James Dillard, DC, MD, Author of The Chronic Pain Solution 
- James Dillard, DC, MD, Author of The Chronic Pain Solution

The IM=X® Reformer, or Xercizer is superior to any other reformer I have tried. The carriage, shoulder blocks, foot-bar, handles, and foot loops are comfortable; the carriage has a smooth glide and can accommodate tall and heavy clients; the springs are heavier but can be fine-tuned… the addition of a lumbar support allows for exercise variations; the jump board is big and also has comfortable padding; the ability to remove the shoulder blocks and foot-bar, and having the oversized carriage pads have proven useful in working with clients with physical limitations due to injury/surgery. These Xercizers are big and heavy so they give a solid base for an aggressive workout.”

-Kristina Martin, PT, DPT 
-Kristina Martin, PT, DPT

I can’t say enough about IM=X® Pilates! Having suffered from chronic lower back pain for years, I’ve been scared to do any leg workout. Now, with an IM=X® Pilates workout, I can have total back protection in a Tower or an Xercizer class and a total-body workout.”

-Chad T. 
-Chad T.

At the age of 18 years old  I was in a car accident that left my upper back and neck hurting, weak, and -years later – causing headaches and migraines. IM=X® Pilates allows me to finally break free from pain and correct my bad muscle patterns and posture. I know I can have a healthy, strong back, and help others dealing with this issue.”


I had a 2-level lumbar fusion in 2013. Since then, I have experienced loss of mobility, soreness, pulling, tightness, pain and general discomfort in my lower back and legs. I started IM=X® in May of last year, and have since seen a vast improvement. I have much more core strength which has reduced my pain, and enabled me to continue to be active and better manage the days that I do have pain. I am excited to share this amazing workout with friends, family and clients.”

- Catherine 
- Catherine

Coming from a background in Physical Therapy and traditional Pilates, I find IM=X® to be exceptional. It works your whole body with balance and flow, and is easy to modify for each client within the same class. The IM=X® Pilates equipment is comfortable, safe and well built. IM=X® provides ongoing teacher training for all my staff who are able to appropriately modify resistance, reps, and range of motion for our clients.”

- Kristina Martin, DPT 
- Kristina Martin, DPT

Spine stabilization exercises are crucial for a healthy spine. IM=X® trainers assist physical therapists in making patients physically fit…It’s common that a patient will learn an exercise in a clinic, only to repeat it at home with incorrect form. This is why the IM=X® program is effective — trainers work with the patient’s on repeating important exercises at the clinic…Abdominal and back strengthening exercises performed correctly will help people feel confident to resume an active lifestyle.”

- Advance for Directors of Rehabilitation 
- Advance for Directors of Rehabilitation